How can NFCI be prevented?
Preventing NFCI
- Do not go out into the cold without appropriate equipment (insulative clothing layers with windproof and waterproof shell, hat, gloves and boots), taking spare dry clothing where appropriate.
- Reduce cold exposure time in conditions of increased risk (colder and/or wetter and/or windier)
- Seek shelter and/or increase activity level as soon as symptoms develop - hands or feet are becoming numb with cold
- Remove wet clothing and replace with dry clothing as soon as possible after symptoms have appeared
- Ensure hydration is maintained (urine should not be dark coloured) and food is eaten
- Remember, not everyone has the same response to the cold: some get colder quicker than others
- Organisers of events in cold environments should identify hazards, assess risk and cohorts at heightened risk, make plans to mitigate risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP), and conduct dynamic risk assessments throughout an activity.