Prevention of cold weather injuries in the military
A recent comprehensive review detailing the risk factors for cold weather injuries (including NFCI) and the mitigations that can be implemented in military scenarios is highlighted in the Latest NFCI papers published section.

Latest prevention and treatment of NFCI guidelines published
The Latest NFCI papers published section highlights a review article providing the latest evidence-based clinical guidelines for the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of NFCI.

Arctic Military Conference on Cold Weather Medicine
Three papers from this conference have been summarised in the Latest NFCI papers published section. These papers have monitored extremity skin temperatures during military arctic exercises to identify if there is a risk of NFCI.

Latest research papers in NFCI
In the Latest NFCI papers published section there is a summary of three papers investigating chronic NFCI which were published in Experimental Physiology. The papers report the results from the most comprehensive study of NFCI examining the neural, vascular and biomarker changes associated with chronic NFCI compared to matched controls.