cycle race in frosty conditions

Articles on NFCI (peer-reviewed scientific papers)

The following are a collection of peer-reviewed scientific papers on NFCI or closely related topics. They are grouped according to general topics and some papers appear under more than one category. This is not an exhaustive list, most papers published prior to 1970 have been omitted due to their limited accessibility.

NFCI review papers

Epidemiology of NFCI

Vascular aspects of NFCI

Neural aspects of NFCI

Blood biomarkers of NFCI

Potential treatments for NFCI and cold sensitivity

NFCI case studies

NFCI in non-military populations

Animal studies - models of NFCI

Cold sensitivity (without NFCI)

Ethnicity and NFCI/extremity responses to cooling

NFCI review papers

Castellani JW, Eglin CM, Ikäheimo TI, Montgomery H, Paal P, Tipton MJ (2021) ACSM Expert Consensus Statement: Injury Prevention and Exercise Performance during Cold-Weather Exercise. Current Sports Medicine Reports 20:594-607

Francis TJ, Golden FS. (1985) Non-freezing cold injury: the pathogenesis. J R Nav Med Serv. 71(1):3-8.

Francis TJ. (1984) Non freezing cold injury: a historical review. J R Nav Med Serv. 70(3):134-9.

Haman, F., Souza, S.C., Castellani, J.W., Dupuis, M.P., Friedl, K.E., Sullivan-Kwantes, W. and Kingma, B.R., (2022). Human vulnerability and variability in the cold: Establishing individual risks for cold weather injuries. Temperature, pp.1-38

Heil K, Thomas R, Robertson G, Porter A, Milner R, Wood A. (2016) Freezing and non-freezing cold weather injuries: a systematic review. Br Med Bull. 117(1):79-93.   

Heil KM, Oakley EH, Wood AM. (2016) British Military freezing cold injuries: a 13-year review. J R Army Med Corps. 162(6):413-418.

Imray C, Grieve A, Dhillon S. (2009) Cold damage to the extremities: frostbite and non-freezing cold injuries. Postgrad Med J. 85:481–488

Imray CH, Oakley EH. (2005) Cold still kills: cold-related illnesses in military practice freezing and non-freezing cold injury. J R Army Med Corps. 151:218–222

Imray CH, Richards P, Greeves J, Castellani JW. (2011) Nonfreezing cold-induced injuries. J R Army Med Corps 157: 79–84.

Klous, L., Teien, H., Hollis, S., Levels, K., Boonstra, A., Sullivan-Kwantes, W., … Kingma, B. (2024). Cold weather operations: Preventive strategies in a military context. Temperature, 1–20.

Mills WJ Jr, Mills WJ 3rd. (1993) Peripheral non-freezing cold injury: immersion injury. Alaska Med. 35:117–128.

Ministry of Defence (2021) JSP 539: Heat illness and cold injury: medical management. Part 2 guidance. London, MoD 2021.

Mistry K, Ondhia C, Levell NJ. (2020) A review of trench foot: a disease of the past in the present. Clin Exp Dermatol.45(1):10-14. .

Oakley EH (2009). The hidden enemy: non-freezing cold injury since the Falklands Conflict. NATO, TRO, HFM-168 Symp "Soldiers Cold Environment”: 20–22 April 2009. NATO, TRO: Helsinki, Finland; 2009. The hidden enemy: non-freezing cold injury since the Falklands Conflict. KN2-1-7.

Tipton M, Eglin C (2023) Non-Freezing Cold Injury: a little-known big problem. Experimental Physiology 108:329-30

Tipton MJ, Corbett J, Eglin CM, Mekjavic IB, Montgomery H (2020) In pursuit of the unicorn. Exp Physiol, 106, 385-8

Tlougan BE, Mancini AJ, Mandell JA, Cohen DE, Sanchez MR (2011) Skin Conditions in Figure Skaters, Ice-Hockey Players and Speed Skaters. Sport Med, 41, 967–84.

Ungley CC, Channell GD & Richards RL (1945). The immersion foot syndrome. Br J Surg, 33, 17–31.[0135:tifs];2

Zafren K, Hollis S, Weiss EA, et al. (2023) Prevention and Treatment of Non-freezing Cold Injuries and Warm Water Immersion Tissue Injuries: A Supplement to the Wilderness Medical Society Clinical Practice Guidelines. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 34(2):172-181.

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Epidemiology of NFCI

Burgess JE, Macfarlane F. (2009) Retrospective analysis of the ethnic origins of male British army soldiers with peripheral cold weather injury. J R Army Med Corps. 155:11–15.

Cattermole TJ. (1999) The epidemiology of cold injury in Antarctica. Aviat Space Environ Med. 70:135–140.

DeGroot DW, Castellani JW, Williams JO, Amoroso PJ. (2003) Epidemiology of U.S. Army cold weather injuries, 1980–1999. Aviat Space Environ Med. 74:564–570

Donnell FLO & Taubman SB (2016). Update: Cold weather injuries, active component US Armed Forces, July 2011 - June 2016. Med Surveill Mon Rep.

Heil KM, Oakley EH, Wood AM. (2016) British Military freezing cold injuries: a 13-year review. J R Army Med Corps. 162(6):413-418.

Jones DM, Weller RS, McClintock RJ, Roberts N, Zheng W, Dunn TL. (2023) Prevalence of hypothermia and critical hand temperatures during military cold water immersion training. Int J Circumpolar Health. 82(1):2236777.

Kuht JA, Woods D & Hollis S (2018). Case series of non-freezing cold injury: epidemiology and risk factors. J R Army Med Corps, 165, 400-4.

Oakley, B., Brown, H. L., Johnson, N., & Bainbridge, C. (2022). Nonfreezing cold injury and cold intolerance in paddlesport. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 33(2), 187-196.

Saunders S, Furby W, Chillingsworth K, Walker EF, White G. (2023) A preliminary study of the thermal strain experienced by dive support boat personnel. Int J Circumpolar Health. 82(1):2199491.

Sullivan-Kwantes W, Tikuisis P (2023) Extremity cooling during an arctic diving training exercise. Int J Circumpolar Health 82(1):2190488.

Williamson K, Izard R. (2007) Epidemic of non-freezing cold injury in the British Army. J R Army Med Corps. 2007 Jun;153(2):143. Erratum in: J R Army Med Corps. 2007 Sep;153(3):183.

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Vascular aspects of NFCI

Ahle NW, Buroni JR, Sharp MW & Hamlet MP (1990). Infrared thermographic measurement of circulatory compromise in trenchfoot-injured Argentine soldiers. Aviat Space Env Med, 61, 247–250.

Arvesen A, Rosen L, Eltvik LP, Kroese A & Stranden E (1994). Skin microcirculation in patients with sequelae from local cold injuries. Int J Microcirc Clin Exp, 14, 335–342.

Carlsson, D., Pettersson, H., Burström, L., Nilsson, T., & Wahlström, J. (2016). Neurosensory and vascular function after 14 months of military training comprising cold winter conditions. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 61-70.

Eglin CM, Golden F & Tipton MJ (2013). Cold sensitivity test for individuals with non-freezing cold injury: the effect of prior exercise. Extrem Physiol Med, 2, 16.

Eglin, C. M., Wright, J. A., Maley, M., Hollis, S., Massey, H., Montgomery, H., & Tipton, M. J. (2023). The peripheral vascular responses in non-freezing cold injury and matched controls. Experimental Physiology 108:420-437.

Endrich B, Hammersen F, Messmer K. (1990) Microvascular ultrastructure in non-freezing cold injuries. Res Exp Med (Berl). 190(5):365-79. .

Golden FSC, Francis TJR, Gallimore D & Pethybridge R (2013). Lessons from history: morbidity of cold injury in the Royal Marines during the Falklands Conflict of 1982. Extrem Physiol Med, 2, 23.

Stephens JP, Laight DW, Golden FStC, Tipton M (2009) Damage to vascular endothelium and smooth muscle contribute to the development of non-freezing cold injury in the rat tail vascular bed in vitro. Proceedings from the International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Boston, p177-181.

Ungley CC, Channell GD & Richards RL (1945). The immersion foot syndrome. Br J Surg, 33, 17–31.[0135:tifs];2

Ungley, C. C., & Blackwood, W. (1942). Peripheral vasoneuropathy after chilling" immersion foot and immersion hand". The Lancet, 240(6216), 447-451.

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Neural aspects of NFCI

Anand P, Privitera R, Donatien P, Misra VP, Woods DR. (2021) Capsaicin 8% Patch Treatment in Non-Freezing Cold Injury: Evidence for Pain Relief and Nerve Regeneration. Front Neurol. 12:722875.

Anand P, Privitera R, Yiangou Y, Donatien P, Birch R & Misra P (2017). Trench Foot or Non-Freezing Cold Injury As a Painful Vaso-Neuropathy: Clinical and Skin Biopsy Assessments. Front Neurol, 8, 514.

Carlsson, D., Burström, L., Heldestad Lilliesköld, V., Nilsson, T., Nordh, E., & Wahlström, J. (2014). Neurosensory sequelae assessed by thermal and vibrotactile perception thresholds after local cold injury. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 73(1), 23540.

Carlsson, D., Pettersson, H., Burström, L., Nilsson, T., & Wahlström, J. (2016). Neurosensory and vascular function after 14 months of military training comprising cold winter conditions. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 61-70.

Geng Z, Tong X, Jia H. (2015) Reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediates non-freezing cold injury of rat sciatic nerve. Int J Clin Exp Med. 8(9):15700-7

Golden FSC, Francis TJR, Gallimore D & Pethybridge R (2013). Lessons from history: morbidity of cold injury in the Royal Marines during the Falklands Conflict of 1982. Extrem Physiol Med, 2, 23.

Irwin MS, Sanders R, Green CJ, Terenghi G. (1997) Neuropathy in non-freezing cold injury (trench foot). J R Soc Med 1997; 90: 433–8.

Irwin MS. (1996) Nature and mechanism of peripheral nerve damage in an experimental model of non-freezing cold injury. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 78(4):372-9.

Jia J, Pollock M, Jia J. (1989) Cold injury to nerves is not due to ischaemia alone. Brain. 121 ( Pt 5):989-1001.

Jia J, Pollock M. (1997) The pathogenesis of non-freezing cold nerve injury. Observations in the rat. Brain 120: 631–46.

Jørum E & Opstad P-K (2019). A 4-year follow-up of non-freezing cold injury with cold allodynia and neuropathy in 26 naval soldiers. Scand J Pain, 19, 441–451.

Kennett RP, Gilliatt RW. (1991) Nerve conduction studies in experimental non-freezing cold injury: I. Local nerve cooling. Muscle Nerve.14(6):553-62.  

Kennett RP, Gilliatt RW. (1991) Nerve conduction studies in experimental non-freezing cold injury: II. Generalized nerve cooling by limb immersion. Muscle Nerve. 14(10):960-7.  

Krøigård, T., Wirenfeldt, M., Svendsen, T. K., & Sindrup, S. H. (2018). Asymptomatic loss of intraepidermal nerve fibers with preserved thermal detection thresholds after repeated exposure to severe cold. Brain and Behavior, 8(3), e009147.

Nukada H, Pollock M, Allpress S. (1981) Experimental cold injury to peripheral nerve. Brain. 104(Pt 4):779-811.

Ungley CC, Channell GD & Richards RL (1945). The immersion foot syndrome. Br J Surg, 33, 17–31.[0135:tifs];2

Ungley, C. C., & Blackwood, W. (1942). Peripheral vasoneuropathy after chilling" immersion foot and immersion hand". The Lancet, 240(6216), 447-451.

Vale TA, Symmonds M, Polydefkis M, Byrnes K, Rice ASC, Themistocleous AC & Bennett DLH (2017). Chronic non-freezing cold injury results in neuropathic pain due to a sensory neuropathy. Brain, 140, 2557–2569.

Wright, J. Massey, H., Hollis, S., Vale, T., Bennett, D., Maley, M., Montgomery, H., Tipton, M.J., Eglin, C.M (2022) Peripheral sensory function in non-freezing cold injury patients and matched controls. Experimental Physiol 108:438-447

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Blood biomarkers of NFCI

Eglin CM, Wright JA, Shepherd AI, Massey H, Hollis S, Towse J, Young JS, Maley M, Bailey S, Wilkinson C, Montgomery H & Tipton MJ (2023). Plasma biomarkers of endothelial function, inflammation and oxidative stress in individuals with non-freezing cold injury. Experimental Physiology 108:448-64.

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Potential treatments for NFCI and cold sensitivity

Anand P, Privitera R, Donatien P, Misra VP, Woods DR. (2021) Capsaicin 8% Patch Treatment in Non-Freezing Cold Injury: Evidence for Pain Relief and Nerve Regeneration. Front Neurol. 12:722875.

Das, D. K., Iyengar, J., Jones, R. M., Lu, D., & Maity, S. (1991). Protection from nonfreezing cold injury by quinacrine, a phospholipase inhibitor. Cryobiology, 28(2), 177–184.

Eglin CM, Costello JT, Bailey SJ, Gilchrist M, Massey H & Shepherd AI (2017). Effects of dietary nitrate supplementation on the response to extremity cooling and endothelial function in individuals with cold sensitivity. A double blind, placebo controlled, crossover, randomised control trial. Nitric Oxide, 70, 76–85.

Hope K, Eglin C, Golden F & Tipton M (2014). Sublingual glyceryl trinitrate and the peripheral thermal responses in normal and cold-sensitive individuals. Microvasc Res, 91, 84–89.

Ionescu AM, Hutchinson S, Ahmad M, Imray C. (2017) Potential new treatment for non-freezing cold injury: is Iloprost the way forward? J R Army Med Corps. 163(5):361-363.

Li H, Zhang L, Xu M. (2016) Dexamethasone prevents vascular damage in early-stage non-freezing cold injury of the sciatic nerve. Neural Regen Res. 11(1):163-7.

Tam A, Lyons T, Vennam S, Barnes R, Imray C. (2022) Early Use of Iloprost in Nonfreezing Cold Injury. Wilderness Environ Med. 33(3):344-347.

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NFCI case studies

Fraser IC, Loftus JA. (1979)  “Trench foot” caused by the cold. Br Med J. 1(6169):1017.

Ionescu AM, Hutchinson S, Ahmad M, Imray C. (2017) Potential new treatment for non-freezing cold injury: is Iloprost the way forward? J R Army Med Corps. 163(5):361-363.

Irwin MS, Sanders R, Green CJ, Terenghi G. (1997) Neuropathy in non-freezing cold injury (trench foot). J R Soc Med 1997; 90: 433–8.

King RC, Parrish JA, Allibone A. (1958) Trench-foot in peacetime England. Br Med J. 1(5079):1099–1102.

Laden GD, Purdy G, O’Rielly G (2007) Cold injury to a diver’s hand after a 90-min dive in 6 degrees C water. Aviat Sp Env Med, 78, 523–5.

Marcus P. (1979) “Trench foot” caused by the cold. Br Med J. 1(6163):622.

Paal P, Brugger H, Kaser G, Putzer G, Tiefenthaler W, Wenzel V (2013) Surviving 6 days in a crevasse. Lancet, 381, 506.

Parsons, S., Leach, I.H., Charnley, R.M. (1993). A case of bilateral trench foot. Injury, 24, 680-1.

Ramstead KD, Hughes RG, Webb AJ. (1980) Recent cases of trench foot. Postgrad Med J. 56:879–883.

Williams, G., Morgan, A., Harvey, J. (2005) Trench foot following a collapse: assessment of the feet is essential in the elderly. Age and Aging, 34, 651-2.

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NFCI in non-military populations

Cattermole TJ. (1999) The epidemiology of cold injury in Antarctica. Aviat Space Environ Med. 70:135–140.

Fraser IC, Loftus JA. (1979)  “Trench foot” caused by the cold. Br Med J. 1(6169):1017.

Laden GD, Purdy G, O’Rielly G (2007) Cold injury to a diver’s hand after a 90-min dive in 6 degrees C water. Aviat Sp Env Med, 78, 523–5.

Longman DP, Brown EL, Imray CHE (2020) Nonfreezing cold injuries among long-distance Polar rowers. Wilderness Environ Med, 31, 209-214.

Marcus P. (1979) “Trench foot” caused by the cold. Br Med J. 1(6163):622.

Oakley, B., Brown, H. L., Johnson, N., & Bainbridge, C. (2022). Nonfreezing cold injury and cold intolerance in paddlesport. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 33(2), 187-196.

Paal P, Brugger H, Kaser G, Putzer G, Tiefenthaler W, Wenzel V (2013) Surviving 6 days in a crevasse. Lancet, 381, 506.

Parsons, S., Leach, I.H., Charnley, R.M. (1993). A case of bilateral trench foot. Injury, 24, 680-1.

Ramstead KD, Hughes RG, Webb AJ. (1980) Recent cases of trench foot. Postgrad Med J. 56:879–883.

Tlougan BE, Mancini AJ, Mandell JA, Cohen DE, Sanchez MR (2011) Skin Conditions in Figure Skaters, Ice-Hockey Players and Speed Skaters. Sport Med, 41, 967–84.

Williams, G., Morgan, A., Harvey, J. (2005) Trench foot following a collapse: assessment of the feet is essential in the elderly. Age and Aging, 34, 651-2.

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Animal studies - models of NFCI

Das, D. K., Iyengar, J., Jones, R. M., Lu, D., & Maity, S. (1991). Protection from nonfreezing cold injury by quinacrine, a phospholipase inhibitor. Cryobiology, 28(2), 177–184.

Geng Z, Tong X, Jia H. (2015) Reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediates non-freezing cold injury of rat sciatic nerve. Int J Clin Exp Med. 8(9):15700-7

Irwin MS. (1996) Nature and mechanism of peripheral nerve damage in an experimental model of non-freezing cold injury. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 78(4):372-9.

Jia J, Pollock M, Jia J. (1989) Cold injury to nerves is not due to ischaemia alone. Brain. 121 ( Pt 5):989-1001.

Jia J, Pollock M. (1997) The pathogenesis of non-freezing cold nerve injury. Observations in the rat. Brain 120: 631–46.

Kennett RP, Gilliatt RW. (1991) Nerve conduction studies in experimental non-freezing cold injury: I. Local nerve cooling. Muscle Nerve.14(6):553-62.  

Kennett RP, Gilliatt RW. (1991) Nerve conduction studies in experimental non-freezing cold injury: II. Generalized nerve cooling by limb immersion. Muscle Nerve. 14(10):960-7.  

Li H, Jia JP, Xu M, Zhang L. (2015) Changes in the blood-nerve barrier after sciatic nerve cold injury: indications supporting early treatment. Neural Regen Res. 10(3):419-24. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.153690.

Li H, Zhang L, Xu M. (2016) Dexamethasone prevents vascular damage in early-stage non-freezing cold injury of the sciatic nerve. Neural Regen Res. 11(1):163-7.

Nukada H, Pollock M, Allpress S. (1981) Experimental cold injury to peripheral nerve. Brain. 104(Pt 4):779-811.

Stephens JP, Laight DW, Golden FStC, Tipton M (2009) Damage to vascular endothelium and smooth muscle contribute to the development of non-freezing cold injury in the rat tail vascular bed in vitro. Proceedings from the International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Boston, p177-181.

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Cold sensitivity (without NFCI)

Davey M, Eglin CM, House JR & Tipton M (2013). The contribution of blood flow to the skin temperature responses during a cold sensitivity test. Eur J Appl Physiol, 113, 2411–2417.

Eglin C (2011). Cold sensitivity in windsurfers ed. Kounalakis SN & Koskolou M. XIV International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics 47–48.

Eglin CM, Costello JT, Bailey SJ, Gilchrist M, Massey H & Shepherd AI (2017). Effects of dietary nitrate supplementation on the response to extremity cooling and endothelial function in individuals with cold sensitivity. A double blind, placebo controlled, crossover, randomised control trial. Nitric Oxide, 70, 76–85.

Eglin CM, Costello JT, Tipton MJ & Massey HC (2020) Previous recreational cold exposure does not alter endothelial function or sensory thermal thresholds in the hands or feet. Exp Physiol, 106, 328-337.

Hope K, Eglin C, Golden F & Tipton M (2014). Sublingual glyceryl trinitrate and the peripheral thermal responses in normal and cold-sensitive individuals. Microvasc Res, 91, 84–89.

House CM, Taylor RJ & Oakley EHN (2015). Repeatability of a cold stress test to assess cold sensitization. Occup Med,  65, 578–584.

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Ethnicity and NFCI/extremity responses to cooling

Burgess JE, Macfarlane F. (2009) Retrospective analysis of the ethnic origins of male British army soldiers with peripheral cold weather injury. J R Army Med Corps. 155:11–15.

Maley MJ, Eglin CM, House JR & Tipton MJ (2014). The effect of ethnicity on the vascular responses to cold exposure of the extremities. Eur J Appl Physiol, 114, 2369–2379.

Maley MJ, House JR, Tipton MJ & Eglin CM (2017). Role of cyclooxygenase in the vascular response to locally delivered acetylcholine in Caucasian and African descent individuals. Microvasc Res, 111, 80–87.

Maley, M.J., House, J.R., Tipton, M.J. & Eglin CM (2015) Vascular responses of the extremities to transdermal application of vasoactive agents in Caucasian and African descent individuals. Eur J Appl Physiol, 115, 1801–1811.

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